4theCycle Foundation is our family focus on helping our communities
Join us in making a positive impact in the lives of individuals and families to build a stronger future and community. NOTHING is free, our family works hard, we expect our chosen recipients to work EQUALLY to help their community. You may receive a gift, but you WILL be held accountable to help improve the community.

We are a family, who has been blessed, who works hard, who battles….and now it is time to focus on helping our community. We are a Christian family compelled to help the community that has helped shape our family.
We feel the call to help. We feel compelled that our gifts be given to those who are TRYING to earn the opportunity to help themselves. We feel compelled to have 100% of the funds to go directly to those persons “who are TRYING”….the journey is a process, there are decisions, some work, some don’t….but the key, is to get back onto the right path!
IF you have an organization or an activity that directly helps those that are THEMSELVES TRYING…please send us an email. We will try to help.
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get in touch with the foundation?
To get in touch with the foundation, you can fill out the contact form on our website or reach out to our
Hello world!
2 minutes
Christine Weaver is a dear friend who started Breast Intentions in Spokane, WA. She is an example of GOOD and CARES….this is THE prime example of our vision, because this is HER vision. 100% of this charity is “volunteer”…no overhead costs….all donations directly support the mission to provide DIRECT help to those in need!
This is our 1st 4theCycle Foundation donation. We only have $500 to begin, but its what we have to offer…..